Aard’s First Birthday

i-f0ce4afa618ce7c952064b6f65cd716f-1st-birthday-cake.jpgIt’s been a year now since I started blogging at Sb (after a bit more than a year at Blogspot). Looking at the server stats for December 1-28, Aard is ranked #31 out of 66 blogs here for traffic, with a daily median readership of about 650 uniques, including about 130 identifiable returning readers. (Meanwhile, my old site is still attracting a median of about 70 daily uniques.)

Looking at Technorati rankings, Aard is at about 16,000 worldwide with an “authority score” of 317 (28 December). There has been considerable re-shuffling among the top-10 Sblogs from a year ago. Of those ten, only Living the Scientific Life has improved its T rank, and Pharyngula, A Blog Around the Clock and Cognitive Daily have retained theirs. The remaining six have slipped to a varying extent, some clearly no longer being on the top-10 here. It’s probably largely a question of lifestyle and job demands impacting posting frequency. Aard’s Google PageRank is 6.

Dear Reader, I hope you’ll join me for another year! If all goes as planned, I think I’ll be able to offer a lot of fieldwork dispatches and bits from my growing book manuscript. Along with whatever catches my fancy!

Author: Martin R

Dr. Martin Rundkvist is a Swedish archaeologist, journal editor, skeptic, atheist, lefty liberal, bookworm, boardgamer, geocacher and father of two.

14 thoughts on “Aard’s First Birthday”

  1. Hey, happy blogiversary, I may not stop by every day, but I do get it in RSS and come buy for almost every new article.

    How are you measuring page rank?


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