May Pieces Of My Mind #3

Blue yellow beige
  • The Swedish debate about racism is confused by the fact that Sw. ras has only ever meant ‘genetic breed, dog breed’. And many Swedes don’t know that Eng. race used to mean ‘cultural, ethnic, national group regardless of genetics’. So in Swedish it makes dictionary sense to say that “I’m not a racist, because I despise these people for their culture, not for their genetics”. On the other hand though, I guess many native English speakers today don’t know what race used to mean in their own language.
  • Don’t believe them when they say us Lefties hate Israel. The truth is that we love the secular anti-nationalist Lefties of that country!
  • Listening to the song “Race to the Air”, I wasn’t sure if it was by Phogg or Pond. Turns out it’s by Gum. I have very little idea of how each of them sounds, but I like all three bands!
  • Learned something fascinating from the Återskapat podcast. Amica Sundström and Maria Neijman have activated a major Medieval source material that nobody seems to have touched before. There is no mention of it in the bibliographical databases. The huge KLNM encyclopedia has a single sentence about it: “Seals were often protected by fabric or leather bags and, towards the end of the Middle Ages, by metal cases” (15:194). The National Archives in Stockholm hold hundreds of these seal bags. They’re made from Medieval fabric that has been kept indoors, in the dark, since they were made. They pretty much retain their original colours! It’s a fabric sample archive! With calendar dates!
  • The right-wing extremist tradwife trend reminds me of something. Women’s place in Taliban Afghanistan.
  • Is it metal that the psychedelic doom metal festival I’m attending tonight is on the premises of Stockholm’s most well-known gay club, on a boat? I asked Rob Halford, and as he donned a sailor’s cap he told me, “Yes, my son. It is metal.”
  • Listening to a podcast where someone talks about people getting hurt as “fiscal injuries” and “fiscal trauma”.
  • As a boy over 40 years ago I used to play 1950s boardgames at my friend’s house. They looked ancient to me. Today I still play some of the games I bought in the mid-80s. Suddenly I realise that my 80s games are now much older than those 50s games were when we played them.
  • Riding a ferry to Gotland to celebrate 25 years with a significant someone built in Hangzhou, I discover that the ship was built in Guangzhou.
  • I’ve got a couple of really messed up books by the famous archaeologists Wilhelm Holmqvist and Nils Åberg, complete but falling apart. So I checked what it would cost to get them cloth-bound. It would cost roughly ten times the price of ordering well-preserved copies of the same books. Plus sales tax. 🙄
  • Around sunrise, we heard an angry knock on our bedroom’s French window. A pheasant cock was attacking his own reflection in the glass.
  • Rauks are ancient fossilised coral reefs that survived when the surrounding soft laminated limestone eroded away after the Ice Age.
  • At a banquet in the late 1980s, a delegation from the Visby Tolkien Society gave the ivy on St. Olaf’s ruin to the Stockholm Tolkien Society as a diplomatic gift. I am pleased to report to all my fellow Stockholm Tolkienians that our ivy is doing well.
  • So weird that I’m 52 now and have no understanding of how young people have fun. Feels like yesterday when I was 22 and had no understanding of how young people had fun!
  • If you want to grow roses, don’t even bother with the whole water and fertiliser thing. Just move to a town with Medieval culture layers, lift a few street cobbles, poke a plant in, and you’re done.
  • On a populous colonised Mars in 2059, there are still video rental stores. K.S. Robinson’s novel Red Mars was published in 1993, two years before I got dial-up internet access at home.

Author: Martin R

Dr. Martin Rundkvist is a Swedish archaeologist, journal editor, skeptic, atheist, lefty liberal, bookworm, boardgamer, geocacher and father of two.

37 thoughts on “May Pieces Of My Mind #3”

  1. So in Swedish it makes dictionary sense to say that “I’m not a racist, because I despise these people for their culture, not for their genetics”.

    And in most languages. Almost everyone today, in whatever language, thinks of racism as Nazi-style “our genes are better than yours”. And it should be possible to criticise aspects of culture such as FGM without fear of being branded racist.


      1. Good to hear. 🙂

        Even more so than in the past, many current debates are cast in terms of only two possible sides, and everyone must be on one or the other. But there are positions in-between. Sometimes a line is not enough; one needs a plane or a higher-dimensional object. And one can be on one side on some issue and on the other on others, i.e. agree on some things and disagree on others. Reminded me of an article pointing out that Germaine Greer, of all people, thinks that we shouldn’t criticize FGM (see the third-last paragraph in the main text).

        Liked by 2 people

      2. A plane with Left-Right fiscal policy on one axis and GAL-TAN on the other seems an improvement over sorting voters into e.g. Democrats and Republicans.


      3. What is GAL-TAN?

        I’ve heard some people say “socially liberal, fiscally conservative” or vice versa. But there are of course more than just those two points.


  2. Is it metal that the psychedelic doom metal festival I’m attending tonight is on the premises of Stockholm’s most well-known gay club, on a boat? I asked Rob Halford, and as he donned a sailor’s cap he told me, “Yes, my son. It is metal.”

    Of course, Rob Halford is probably the most famous gay biker (both literally and in terms of the image) in the world.

    I recently saw Judas Priest on a triple bill with Saxon and Uriah Heep. Had seen Saxon before and was not impressed. Not a fan of Priest either, at least their modern incarnation. (No accident that Saxon were the real-life role models for Spinal Tap.) I do enjoy Uriah Heep though.

    Having said that, early Priest might be worth investigating; I really like this (which is the first television appearance, Rob having borrowed the shirt from his sister for the gig—how times have changed—making the stage confidence even more impressive).

    Liked by 1 person

  3. So weird that I’m 52 now and have no understanding of how young people have fun. Feels like yesterday when I was 22 and had no understanding of how young people had fun!

    ”Teenagers used to go to the movies to see adults making love. Now adults go to the movies to see teenagers making love.”

    —Roger Ebert

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I like the idea that they just recently found a herd of cattle wandering around in the Netherlands and it turned out to be 6200 years old.


    2. True in general. Robbery is not as bad as murder, but it should still be a crime. Same goes for circumcision.

      Interestingly, there was a group which said that they wanted to keep FGM as part of their culture, but understood the arguments against it, so suggested making just a small, essentially symbolic, cut—in any case much less harmful than normal male circumcision. No country which outlaws FGM, including those which allow male circumcision, was willing to go for it.


  4. The old cattle are greenland shark/aurochs hybrids.

    OT – just reacting to recent news. If you give me a paper bag with $ 120.000 I promise to protect you if I am a member of a jury.


  5. If you are writing a fantasy story set in pre-modern culture, try sea nomads living on houseboats able to hold their breath and freedive for long periods.

    “Mutated tribe can swim to bottom of ocean after developing ‘sea nomad gene’ |

    Bajau tribe in Indonesia has enlarged spleens, holding more oxygenated blood.


  6. OT

    “It could have been acid fired by a drone!” Nigel Farage supporters react with their usual calm after politician is hit by seagull droppings.


    Today, the latest test launch of the 4000 ton Starship rocket went smoothly (you can see the whole journey on Youtube). Cameras on board the booster rocket and the upper ‘Starlink’ stage provided real-time coverage. The booster flew back and simulated a soft landing, after it was allowed to drop in the sea. The Starship component entered orbit later. After half an hour in a partial orbit it re-entered the atmosphere rekying on 14000 small heat shields. Two shields had deliberately been left off to see if the vehicle could survive losing shields. A camera was able to broadcast without interruption the whole descent, showing one of the fins beginning to burn through, yet remain attached to the end. The Starship slowed down and made a simulated soft landing just above the Indian Ocean, after which it was dropped in the sea. The only payload was information, the prototypes were not intended for re-use.

    This was more impressive than any shuttle mission.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. The israeli opposition is only one or two PMs away from bringing down Netanyahu. He survives by bribing the extreme parties including ultra-ortodox groups far-reaching concessions well beyond their numbers.


    Grumpy old tech nerd writing: The film ‘Ad Astra’ -despite its big budget- contained catastrophic factual errors even in the first two minutes. The 1966 b&w German TV series ‘Raumpatrouille’ had more wilful suspension of disbelief than this SF film. For the millionth time: A team of 14-year-old nerds would have spotted the plot holes and suggested plausible workarounds.


  8. The old coral reefs were built by rudists, an extinct group not quite the same as the organisms in modern corals.

    -Elderly from all over the northern half of the country are coming to Umeå to play boule from Thursday to Sunday. The competition takes place on a parking lot just beneath my workplace and the support staff are based in our house.

    The Swedish west coast and Scania will get plenty of rain tomorrow (along with risk of thunderstorms). During the evening and night the front will move past Stockholm. As the groundwater needs topping up, it is probably better to get a big splash followed by calmer weather…Sunday will be the final day of the EU election.


  9. OT I see Eminem is back in a big way, and giving the finger to most music reviewers. Jeez, he was around during Clinton, he is indestructible.


  10. ‘A populous colonised Mars in 2059’ is a bit optimistic. I am currently reading the non-fiction ‘A City On Mars’ by Kelly and Zack Weinersmith (the same couple that makes the SMBC webcomic). They look at the problems from every concievable angle. They are not hostile to the concept- in the long run, there may be some kind of outpost on Mars but not in the time span Robertson thinks.

    OT -tory humiliation porn

    “This Week Was Worse for Tories Than You Think”



  11. OT “Evopsych” claims should be approached with caution, but this looks solid.

    ‘Study suggests evolutionary basis for male risk-taking behaviors’

    The socioeconomic angle is interesting. (One might also assume that if a group on the savannah loses an adolescent male it is a smaller loss than a female of similar age,   – women can get pregnant even if there is a shortage of men- so for the group they are more expendable)


  12. Amon Aroth is playing in Umeå this August – weird with a growling viking-esque band with a name using a word from Arnor. Numenor was not norse.


  13. About ethnic & cultural hatred – I have just voted in the EU election. Just to spite a certain party, I voted for the one that has a Swedish-Turkish (nominally muslim) leader.

    About the soon-to-happen nova in Corona Borealis. As it is not a supernova it will not stand out by brightness- to identify it it will help if you go out at night and memorise how Corona Borealis normally looks. It is not very bright, you will need more obvious nearby constellations to find it. Later in the year there is a chance the light refracted through the gas of a passing comet will make it temporarily quite bright in the night sky, but it is not certain.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It would stand out if it were much closer, and it would not stand out even as a supernova if it were too far away.

      I know what you mean, but it wasn’t clear and some might get confused.


  14. OT

    Today is 30 years since a misogynic mass shooter murdered seven people in Falun.

    (I am not writing his name. Fuck him)



  15. OT -The film ‘Sisu’ from Finland had the same director as ‘Rare Exports’. It is sort of a finn ‘Inglorious Bastards’.


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