Lilac-Coloured Concrete Hogbacks

i-68e5a41de0b4937ca72d5cd3677d6d5b-2011-01-21 08.45.38.jpg

I don’t know about you, Dear Reader, but I think these lilac-coloured concrete hogbacks outside of the Nacka Forum mall’s rear entrance look extremely gay. As Azar Habib put it in his hit “Hatten Är Din”, Det tycker vi blir bögigt.

Author: Martin R

Dr. Martin Rundkvist is a Swedish archaeologist, journal editor, skeptic, atheist, lefty liberal, bookworm, boardgamer, geocacher and father of two.

12 thoughts on “Lilac-Coloured Concrete Hogbacks”

  1. Du har inte bara fått fel färgbalans på bilden eller nåt sånt enkelt?

    Annars är lila inte alls fel; en grävmaskinstillverkare i Japan målar sina maskiner i en liknande färg.


  2. To my knowledge, the sexuality of Viking-era gravemarkers is largely unexplored. Unusual to find them outside a mall, though 😉


  3. Nowhere in that photo do I see the blocks of concrete inserting their concrete-hood into the rear of another hogback.

    At least you didn’t say they look like a bunch of sissy lilac women.

    /extreme eye roll

    I don’t understand Swedish well…can someone translate that Azar Habib lyric? Something about a hat? Maybe the joke is lost on me.


  4. Hmm. My analysis: In Finnish each of those things is a betoniporsas, or a “concrete piglet”. I think in the memoirs of W. Pooh, illustrated by W. Disney, a standard piglet was pink. Said Piglet also had a striped covering of some kind on, as those concrete thingies also do.

    I thereby flawlessly conclude those are perfectly normal piglets though, like the Piglet, them’s not for eating. As for their sexual orientation, lacking any other reliable source of information, I’ll now bravery go to visit the Pooh Sexual Fanfic Archive. Do not wait for me.


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